Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I'm Back

It's a new year and though I did go down to Florida for the Christmas holiday, I feel as though I have been gone longer than 10 days. It's a new year and I have some news......soon some lovely portraits will grace this page. Portraits of my vampires: Christian, Michel, Gabrielle and well as portraits of Solange, Josette and Sabin. Who are these people you ask? They are the living, breathing mortals and vampires who inhabit the pages of my novel Immortal Obsession.

These portraits were done by a wonderful graphic artist. I can't share much about her now, but I think the proof is in her work. I hope you agree. Presently, I am working on the second novel in this trilogy. I cannot reveal the title of this work, nor the title of the trilogy, but I am truly enjoying it. My tale seems to have a mind of its own and I feel like I am merely the recorder of the story. It's magical at times.

As those of you who stop by regularly know, I am waiting to hear from various agents regarding Immortal Obsession. I keep my fingers crossed that one of them will have the good instinct to take a chance on me. I am anxious to get my books out there to you all.

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Blogger Rita Vetere said...

Denise, I'm really looking forward to seeing your vampires brought to life through portraits! And I wish you much success in landing the right agent as well.

8:19 AM  

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