Wednesday, November 05, 2008

There is hope for our nation

This was my journal entry for yesterday, Election Day 2008:

Election Day is finally here. It seems to be a quiet day as our nation hopefully is poised and ready for change. A nation that has not lost sight of its history, goals and beliefs. I have not been able to think about much else today as I wait for the evening news and the Election coverage to begin at 5pm EST. I pray that everyone who can vote will come out today to participate in this historic election.

I get chills when I think about the last eight years and how our country has fallen from grace. I believe Barrack Obama can bring respect and dignity back to the office of President. He is presidential, reminding me of John F. Kennedy. He is smart, articulate, poised, young and ready to do the work our country needs in order to unite again, to grow and to have a positive presence on the world stage. Oh, and he is African American.

This is the most exciting election I can remember and I cannot bring myself to project what will happen to our nation if the Republicans stay in office. Obama gives me hope; hope for our nation, hope for the future and hope that the American people will work together to make our nation great again. I am once again excited about politics and I believe we can rewrite history and alter the course of our destiny as a nation.


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