Friday, September 10, 2010


I don't know about you but just seeing those numbers makes me shiver. They conjure up all sorts of memories of a crystal clear Tuesday morning, nine years ago. Though the details of the day elude me know, I still remember the feeling of being in a state of shock, of how empty my downtown was as I drove home from work around 4pm. How regular television had been pre-empted [a positive as far as I was concerned] and how quiet the world seemed with no airplanes overhead.

All I could think about was accounting for all my loved ones: a nieces husband who worked nearby, a cousin flying out of Newark Airport that morning, friends whose spouses worked in the financial district. I made mental notes as I watched co-workers do the same. I will not recap feelings I am sure we all felt on that day and forever, as we approach this solemn anniversary. I just need to say I love you to all my friends, family, readers, internet friends and co-workers. I am so grateful for you all.

I promised from that day forward to never take a day for granted, ever, because who knows, it could be my last.


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